Parents as Peacebuilders ™

Parents as Peacebuilders ™ is a TFFOA initiative, which utilizes family relationships and other interpersonal interactions as focal points to create peace among individuals and groups. The organization has developed and operates the program as a means to educate, equip, and empower parents as primary sources of conflict prevention, resolution, and transformation.

About the Initiative

Starting point

The first step to familial and communal peace involves a willingness on the part of individuals most affected by the harmful consequences of violence to embrace their roles as leaders of positive change in pursuit of peace.

Support from local communities

Peace is essential to life and prosperity. With this in mind, residents of local communities throughout the United States support TFFOA and Parents as PeacebuildersTM because the organization achieves peaceful outcomes from oftentimes improbable circumstances. Tremendous support from members of local communities result in greater benefits for residents and communities everywhere. We need your support.

End result

TFFOA inspires parents to acknowledge and embrace their leadership responsibilities as primary peace builders within families and communities to prevent disputes and transform existing conflicts into peace. We reduce violence at the most fundamental levels, achieve peace, and significantly decrease rates of homicide.

“Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.”

― Brian Tracy