Parenting Our Way out of Poverty ™

Parenting Our Way out of Poverty ™ cultivates leadership qualities among parents, create good relationships between parents and children, and use family cohesion in combination with educational training in technologically advanced industries, to improve economic opportunities, increase economic development, and stimulate innovation among economically marginalized populations.

About the Initiative

Starting point

TFFOA is committed to using technology and relationships to create innovation and transform individuals into economic change agents for their families and communities.

Support from local communities

TFFOA builds unique familial and communal support systems to create and sustain local cultures of economic prosperity. To accomplish its mission, the foundation garners grassroots participation in the development and implementation of programs to strengthen local economies and improve quality of life.

End result

With Parenting Our Way out of Poverty, TFFOA combines the use of technological advances with improvements in familial relationships in the advancement of positive economic mobility.

“Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.”

― Brian Tracy