No person should experience barriers to life, freedom, and wellness. Our non-profit organization provides access to necessary training and other resources to build healthy families and communities that are self-sustaining.

About Us

The Family Foundation of America ™ is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, which enhances parenting and other family interactions to improve the wellbeing of people.

Our mission is to improve the quality of life and sustainability of individuals, families, and communities throughout the United States. We implement a variety of transformative activities to strengthen families for the purpose of:

  • Reducing Violence and Homicides;

  • Reducing Incarceration; and

  • Reducing Poverty.

Our focus is on the family as the first and most important institution from which all other human interactions and organizations develop.

Our Initiatives

TFFOA is comprised of passionate, hardworking professionals who are committed to serving families and fostering sustainable relationships with people in communities throughout the United States. We are intentional about making sure families are successful in areas, which contribute to quality of life. We achieve our goals and objectives through the implementation of the following initiatives.

Parents as Peacebuilders ™
Parenting Our Way Out of Poverty ™

Peace is essential to healthy communities, economic mobility, and wellness. TFFOA provides families with research driven strategies to increase public safety and strengthen communities.

Teaching life and trade skills to parents and children is essential to human sustainability. By providing families with practical guidance and resources, TFFOA creates opportunities for economic mobility.

Families for Fairness ™
The Parenting Institute ™

Education is essential in the empowerment of individuals to advocate for their own rights, equity, and justice. By providing families with knowledge and resources to navigate legal and social systems, TFFOA promotes families and fairness.

TFFOA is dedicated to providing education and support for parents. Through workshops, classes, and resources, we teach effective parenting techniques and strategies. Our mission is to empower parents with knowledge and skills needed to nurture healthy and responsible children into adults.

The preservation and progression of life are fundamental to what we do. Our goal is to improve families so individuals can live and be self-sustaining.

Our partners 

Your help is instrumental in providing families and communities opportunities to enhance the quality of their lives.


Phone number: 334.523.1063

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